Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Carnaval in Iquitos, part 2

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Carnaval in Iquitos, part 1

Carnaval dance groups getting ready to perform.

Agouti, butterfly, and jaguar.

Freshwater stingray (Potamotrygon motoro).
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Rio Amazonas, part 3

Hammock deck.

Cassava, plantain, and fruit trees at riverside farm.

Chinese video night on the river.

Bringing a taricaya (Podocnemis unifilis) on board for sale. It sold immediately for about $15.

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Rio Amazonas, part 2

Rio Amazonas downstream from Iquitos.

Tortoises on the cargo deck.

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Rio Amazonas, part 1

Riverboats on Rio Amazonas.

Yellow-footed Tortoise (Geochelone denticulata) for sale in Requena market.

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Iquitos is the largest town on the planet with no road access.

Mural on youth center.

Mermaid mural in disco bar.

People and cargo travel as much as four days up and downstream on three-deck vessels built like 19th century steamboats.

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