Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Los Portales at Night, Iquitos

The Cohen Building, aka Los Portales, was built during the rubber boom in the late 19th century with tiles from Portugal.

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Art in Iquitos

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Scouting Trip to Pacaya Samiria National Reserve

I got a speedboat dropoff from a riverboat on Rio Maranon to Pacaya Samiria National Reserve.

Returning to village of 20 de Enero in evening.
Up a tributary of Rio Yanayacu to visit a palm grove.
Balsa rafting a load of plantains down Rio Maranon to market in Iquitos.
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Students! What fun would education be without them?

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Fastwater boat on upper Rio Pichis, boating a load of roofing material along a Rio Ucayali peripheral waterway, logger families boating out illegal logs to Pucallpa, and Shipibos pushing thru clogged waterway.

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Rivers and Waterways

Waterways near Rio Ucayali in the middle Amazon. Rio Pichis headwaters.

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Liz in Peru

Liz at CICRA (aka Los Amigos Research Center) and in Shipibo and Ashaninika villages.

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Peru 3

Remember to wash your hands before eating after picking up black and yellow/green froggies.

Puerto Maldonado tuk-tuks are fast, loud, and cheap.
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Peru 2

You'd think everyone dresses light, but the Saki Monkeys wear overcoats down to their tails.

Devon at the devastation caused by alluvial gold mining which proceeds through the forest following (apparently) an old river channel in which flour gold sediment from the Andes was deposited.
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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Rio Madre de Dios y sus afluentes, January 2011

Bret, Liz, and 15 curious monkey fans boated up Rio Madre de Dios where we met up with some odd flowers, ten more species of primates, and a bunch of little frogs.