Thursday, March 22, 2012

Peruvian Amazon 2012, part 3

Volley, chopstick lessons, and Shipibo textiles.  Then downstream to Pacaya Samiria National reserve where we saw sloths.

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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Iquitos Art 2012

One of my students did a project on Iquitos pro-conservation street art which led to a tour with Sose, a graffiti artist, and his pal Ashuko, a bar and bordello artist.

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Peruvian Amazon 2012, part 2

We motored to Malinowski Biological Station and to Calleria, a Shipibo village where we read with the kids.

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Peruvian Amazon 2012, part 1

Liz, Bret, and 16 great students cruised Amazonian waters in January and February, 2012, tried to pick up huangana signals, came across a snake of unusual size, and learned about plants which cure most anything.

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